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'Win or Learn. One only loses a game if they do not learn.' Says EJBP

‘In my practice I have usually found it strongest to post the knights at B3, where they have a magnificent sway.’

Explained the great authority Emanuel Lasker, World Champion for 27 years. Here ‘B3’ refers to the squares c3 and f3 for White, or c6 and f6 for Black.

‘The game cannot better be opened than by advancing the e-pawn two squares.’

Stated 150 years ago by the great Philidor referring to the starting move 1. e4. His advice is still good today.

‘Probably the best reply.’

Commented Capablanca of the reply 1. … e5.

‘You should never, unless of necessity or to gain an advantage, move the pawns in front of the castled king for each pawn move loosens the position’

Affirms Tarrasch.

‘Always try to keep the three pawns in front of your castled king on their original squares as long as possible.’

Announced Alekhine